Opinione su WhatsApp Messenger: Pessima esperienza con WhatsApp

Pessima esperienza con WhatsApp



Ampia Base di Utenti, Crittografia End-to-End


Pubblicità Invasive, Problemi di Privacy

Non posso fare a meno di esprimere la mia profonda delusione riguardo a WhatsApp. Quest'applicazione, che un tempo era considerata un punto di riferimento nel mondo delle comunicazioni, è ora una fonte di costante frustrazione.

Innanzitutto, WhatsApp sembra aver perso completamente il controllo sulla sua piattaforma. Le continue violazioni della privacy e gli abusi online sono diventati allarmanti. Nonostante promesse di sicurezza, le chat vengono costantemente invase da spam e messaggi indesiderati. Non ci si può più fidare di WhatsApp per mantenere le nostre conversazioni private.

La pubblicità è diventata insopportabile. Non c'è più alcun rispetto per l'esperienza dell'utente. Gli annunci sono invasivi e fastidiosi, interrompendo costantemente le conversazioni. È ovvio che WhatsApp si sta concentrando esclusivamente sulla monetizzazione a discapito della qualità del servizio offerto.

La gestione dei bug è un disastro. Gli errori si accumulano senza soluzione di continuità, e non sembra che WhatsApp stia facendo molto per risolverli. Le chiamate vocali e video spesso si interrompono in modo casuale, e l'applicazione stessa tende a bloccarsi in modo frequente.

Infine, l'interfaccia utente è diventata confusa e poco intuitiva nel tentativo di aggiungere funzionalità sempre nuove e spesso inutili. Ciò rende l'uso di WhatsApp un'esperienza frustrante.

In conclusione, WhatsApp è diventata un'applicazione che non riesce più a mantenere le promesse di privacy, sicurezza ed efficienza che un tempo erano il suo punto di forza. È tempo di esplorare alternative più affidabili e rispettose degli utenti.

Questa opinione rappresenta il parere personale di un membro di Opinioni.it e non di Opinioni.it.

Segnala contenuto


  • funzionalità
  • Utilità
  • convenienza
  • occupazione memoria
  • difficoltà utilizzo
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    User-Friendly You don't have to be a computer whiz to figure out how WhatsApp works. It's so simple to operate that people of all ages may do it without any assistance. Share Your Real-Time Location WhatsApp allows you to share your location with a specific contact. You may share your live location with your contacts if you are in transit for 15 minutes, 1 hour, or 8 hours, in addition to your present location. Calling With Audio And Video The well-liked app isn't only for text messaging. WhatsApp also allows you to make voice and video calls.
    1. Your mobile number needed for adding contacts To add another get in touch with, you really want to realize their genuine telephone number. Same goes for individuals who need to add you - it isn't possible without realizing their genuine telephone number. While this isn't for the most part an issue, since you're simply expected to converse with individuals you definitely know, it may become one in specific circumstances. 2. Security concerns (gatherings and in any case) There was a major embarrassment as of late in regards to protection worries with WhatsApp, when it was uncovered that a portion of your information was imparted to Facebook. As per their Privacy Policy, different utilization logs are shared, which incorporate how regularly and how long use utilize the application, your time region and language, working framework and even IP address. Be that as it may, the real substance of your messages is rarely shared and can never be seen, heard or checked out by outsiders. Likewise, assuming you are important for a gathering, every one of the individuals from that gathering can see your profile picture and telephone number. To this end it's prescribed not to join irregular gatherings on WhatsApp, where outsiders may be searching for such data. 3. Web needed to utilize The application is basically pointless without web. This comprehends, course, so you will not anticipate having the option to talk with companions in the event that you or they don't have a functioning web association. 4. You're endorsed in all the time You can't sign out of WhatsApp. You're constantly endorsed in, implying that assuming someone gains admittance to your telephone, they can gain admittance to every one of your visits and contacts with next to no extra difficulties. So ensure that you generally keep your telephone close to you and set up that PIN code to make it hard for others to get to your own talk logs. 5. Can download a great deal of records on your gadget On the off chance that you don't advise it to do any other way, WhatsApp will consequently download all documents - including enormous video cuts - that are sent your direction. This incorporates photographs and recordings from bunches you may not really be keen on. And keeping in mind that there are limits set up concerning the greatest record size you can send (more on this underneath), they can rapidly add up and eat your telephone's stockpiling. Luckily, you really do have settings to actuate for some command over this. For instance, you can educate WhatsApp not to download documents except if you tap them. However, try to erase them occasionally to keep them, any other way you'll hazard running out of capacity in the near future. 6. Can't alter contact names The application adjusts with your telephone's contact list and whatever name you're utilizing for those contacts will be utilized by WhatsApp. You can't alter those and transform them except if you really change the name in your telephone's contact list. While this isn't actually a tremendous issue, it very well may be viewed as a Con on the off chance that you need additional command over the names of your contacts for more straightforward ID or anything like that. 7. Record size limits While you can send different record types through WhatsApp, you can't send tremendous documents to your contacts. Taking a gander at Con #5, this is something to be thankful for, yet now and again it's irritating. For photographs, video and sound bites, you can send records that are all things considered 16MB in size (which isn't a ton!). Nonetheless, reports (counting compress documents of bigger video cuts, for instance), can be of up to 100MB each. So assuming you truly need to send a bigger video, you may in any case have the option to find a workaround.