Opinione su Mondo Convenienza: Mondo UN-Convenienza
Mondo UN-Convenienza
Kitche nand furnitire in general are beautifull and affordable
Big problems of communications with the customer and a department of customer service that only say "mi dispeace" without providing a real solution to the problems
If I could rate their customer service with a minus 5 stars, worst of the worst, I surely would.
Yesterday, 10-03-2020 we went to the Curno store to pay for the whole rest of my kitchen which is due to be installed today (11-02-2020) and during the payment process we (my wife and I) have requested also the plumbing (idraulico) service and wanted to pay an extra 150 euros that is the cost for it, this lady dependent told us that the plumber will come for the installation and that the payment should be given to him (in cash), then we finished the kitchen payment process and went home with great expectations for our new brand kitchen.
As for right now they're in my house doing the installation the two installers that came have told me they are not plumbers and they can not do the due attachments to leave the kitchen 100% operative.
We have been ( my wife and I) on the phone with the customer service at least for two hours and between "the typical answer" we are sorry for the inconvenience they have told us that "unfortunately" the plumber can not come today. It is outrageous to expect a level of service and realize that Mondo Convenienza schedule the service at your its own Convinience and not at the Convinience of the customer thus the title of this review (Mondo UN-Convinience) The lady that processed the payment was clear to say the plumber will come today for the installation and did not show up and then when you call customer service to ask why the plumber did not come they blame it on the "corona virus emergency" because the "spostamenti erano limitate" putting this a a merely excuse as the reason why the plumber did not come.
As for now and after two hours on the phone with the "so called customer service” on really frustrating calls we have to wait until tomorrow (12-02-2020) to have a 100% operative kitchen.
Thanks Mondo UN-Convenienza for make a special occasion in our house a nightmare of back and forward of calls with your customer service that can only say “mi dispiace” without providing a real solution to a disappointment created for the big problems of communications that you have
Antonio Fernandez
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La risposta dell'azienda:

Servizio Consumatori mondo convenienza
Hi Antonio, we are so sorry to read these words.
We constantly try to satisfy our customers’ requests and find solutions to any possible problem. If you need support, you can contact us at 06 91515. Thank you!
We constantly try to satisfy our customers’ requests and find solutions to any possible problem. If you need support, you can contact us at 06 91515. Thank you!
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